Preparing Your Windows for Spring

Thus far in our spring preparation series, we’ve covered preparing your deck, roof, siding, and gutters for spring. In this installment of the series, our focus is on windows. In addition to providing your home with light, and a view of the outdoors, windows are an integral part of keeping your home protected from the elements. One way to extend the life of your windows, and ensure they are doing their job efficiently, is inspecting and maintaining them after winter.  To help you prepare your windows for spring, we’re sharing the following seven highly effective tips … Check Window Insulation Insulation has a great effect on the efficiency of your windows, which is why it’s important to make sure your insulation is in good shape. As a windows contractor, we’ve seen many instances where a homeowner’s windows are fine, but the insulation is not, so it’s definitely worthwhile to inspect the insulation yourself or have a professional do so for you. If you do decide to have a professional inspection, please note that you should

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