6 Signs Your Commercial Roof May Need Replacing

In addition to residential roofing, we also handle commercial roofing in the Madison area. Over the years we’ve been asked the following question countless times … “how do I know if my commercial roof needs replacing?” And although every situation is different, there are some tried-and-true signs that a commercial roof may be on its last leg. Here are six of the most common signs that your commercial roofing may need replacing. If any of the following signs are present on your commercial roof, we highly advise that you have a professional contractor conduct an inspection of the roof … Your Roofing Material is Bubbling and Blistering Are there air pockets or bubbles across the surface of your commercial roof? This can happen over time, and it is a direct indicator that the roof may be damaged. Air pockets and bubbles manifest when either air or moisture becomes trapped under the roof’s membrane. Water Leaks and Signs of Water Damage If you’re experiencing roofing leaks on the inside of the commercial space, or even worse

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Don’t Procrastinate — Get Your Home Project Done Before Winter Sets In

Summer is behind us, and some homeowners who had the best intentions to get their home projects taken care of before the fall are now facing the oncoming winter. In this episode of Beyond the Studs, Josh Gauwitz talks about what he calls “project procrastination,” which can creep up on homeowners because of their busy schedules. Here’s what Josh had to say … I know some Madison-area homeowners procrastinated on getting projects done — even though they knew they had to get them done before winter came. And if one of those projects is roof related, a homeowner should really pick up that phone today and call an experienced roofing contractor like Legacy Exteriors. I find that most homeowners have the best intentions in getting home projects like roof repair or replacement — or even having gutter guards installed (before the leaves start falling off the trees) — scheduled. It’s just that so many people are overwhelmed, that the projects keep getting deprioritized on the list of todos … I’ve been guilty of this, as

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5 Effective Ways to Protect Your Roof This Winter

The harsh winters can result in weather-related roofing damage, and that’s an occurrence you don’t want! As roofing contractors, we’ve seen how Old Man Winter can wreak havoc, even with the technological advance in roofing materials. To safeguard your roof from costly spring repairs, we’ve got 5 effective ways to protect it this winter. 1. Don’t Let Snow Accumulate on Your Roof Snow adds weight to your roof which can put pressure on weak spots, causing them to fail. That’s why removing it as soon as you can is advisable. But besides the added weight, snow can form ice dams as it melts. This constant cycle of melting and refreezing can be harmful to  your roof because melting snow finds vulnerable cracks, then refreezes, causing the water to expand. We don’t recommend trying to  remove snow on your own. It can be dangerous work. Have either a roofing contractor help with the removal, or investigate the option of hiring a professional to add a heat cable to melt snow away easily! 2. Have a Well-Insulated

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Dealing with Hail Damage & Roof Repair

In this episode of Beyond the Studs, Josh Gauwitz, owner of Legacy Exteriors, spoke all about hail damage, which is top of mind after the nasty weather we had in Madison and Sun Prairie, WI, late last month. Here’s what Josh had to share … We’re getting a lot of calls from homeowners who were affected by the hail damage in Madison and Sun Prairie. It took a lot of people by surprise, and now they’re in need of roof repair, and some need siding repair. It may sound surprising, but it’s not always obvious whether or not your roof has hail damage, and I wanted to talk about this a bit. Whether you can see hail damage or not, after your neighborhood has experienced a hail storm (in this case it was severe), it’s always a good idea to have an inspection conducted by a professional. With Legacy Exteriors, we offer free estimates — or in this case inspections — to determine what exactly (if anything) is going on with your roof. We believe

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5 Foolproof Strategies for Extending the Lifespan of Asphalt Roofing

The lifespan of asphalt roofing is typically between 15 and 30 years. This variance in longevity can be attributed to several factors — climate, extreme weather conditions, quality of roofing materials used, etc. — that are often out of the homeowner’s control. However, that doesn’t mean you’re powerless in the fight for your roof’s preservation. By following the five strategies outlined below, you can help extend the service life of your asphalt roof and maximize this ever-important investment. 1. Keep your gutters and roof debris-free When debris is allowed to collect in your gutters, water is unable to properly drain. This excess moisture further stresses roofing and shingles, even potentially causing the edges of your roof decking to rot. Sitting debris on the roof itself is also a concern, as it leads to saturated shingles and, ultimately, a shorter lifespan for your asphalt roofing. Be sure to clean your gutters at least 1-2 times annually and remove any sitting debris as soon as it’s spotted. 2. Cut down overhanging branches Mature trees near your house

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