5 Effective Ways to Protect Your Roof This Winter

roofing contractors, Madison, WI

The harsh winters can result in weather-related roofing damage, and that’s an occurrence you don’t want! As roofing contractors, we’ve seen how Old Man Winter can wreak havoc, even with the technological advance in roofing materials.

To safeguard your roof from costly spring repairs, we’ve got 5 effective ways to protect it this winter.

1. Don’t Let Snow Accumulate on Your Roof

Snow adds weight to your roof which can put pressure on weak spots, causing them to fail. That’s why removing it as soon as you can is advisable.

But besides the added weight, snow can form ice dams as it melts. This constant cycle of melting and refreezing can be harmful to  your roof because melting snow finds vulnerable cracks, then refreezes, causing the water to expand.

We don’t recommend trying to  remove snow on your own. It can be dangerous work. Have either a roofing contractor help with the removal, or investigate the option of hiring a professional to add a heat cable to melt snow away easily!

2. Have a Well-Insulated and Ventilated Attic and Roof

If you have an asphalt shingle roof, good insulation is the most important component of winter roof protection.

Make sure your insulation covers your home’s ceiling effectively to keep the attic as cold as possible. Proper insulation will keep the heat from escaping into the attic, and warming  your roof.

3. Install Heat Cables for Older Homes Without Good Insulation

If your home is 20+ years old, insulation can sometimes be problematic. The structure of older homes can sometimes prevent adequate insulation.

That’s where heat cables can offer a great benefit, preventing ice dams from forming and creating hazardous conditions.

Before winter arrives, talk to a roofing contractor about the structure of your roof. Get them to inspect it before bad weather arrives!

Important note: Don’t try to DIY install heat cables. Hire a professional to ensure proper installation, and avoid potential injuries.

4. For Best Roofing Protection, Install an Ice and Water Shield

Newer homes are always built with a water and ice shield layer underneath the roofing material.

However, if you live in an older home, this may not be the case. A roofing contractor can help you with a roof replacement that includes both water and ice shielding material.

5. For Snow Over a Foot, Get a Roofing Contractor to Shovel It

While most homes can handle heavy snow, don’t allow the snow to accumulate beyond a foot.  It creates a heavier load even for the best roof, while weaker roofs can cave in.

For an asphalt shingle roof, call a roofing contractor to remove the snow. Do NOT try to remove it on your own!

If you have a metal roof, make sure you have a good snow retention system which is designed to hold and retain snow and ice, allowing for a controlled evacuation of snow.

Because metal roofs are slippery, a heavy snow load can increase weight and cause massive roof avalanches, causing danger for passersby as well as to your property.

A snow retention system solves this problem, allowing snow to gradually evaporate.

The Best Advice We Can Give as Roofing Contractors

The very best way to stay ahead of Mother Nature is with preparation and education. Plan ahead!

Make sure your roof is reinforced with the proper materials and the right techniques to avoid dreaded ice dams and possible cave-ins.

Keep your home and family safe!

Want to learn more about protecting your roof during the winter season?

If you need to replace your roof, or you want to learn more about the different types of roofing materials, check out our roofing page. Or just get in touch with us. We’re happy to set up a complimentary consultation.